The Somatic Experience of Attachment
These series of workshops focus on identifying and experiencing our individual attachment style, the interplay of attachment styles in relationship, and the movement towards establishing or solidifying the Secure template.
Guided individual and partnered exercises allow us to study our experiences via an embodied process in the present moment as felt experience, not just theory. Through the use of mindfulness, presence, and connection we can study ourselves in real time, as well as experience new dynamics of engagement.
Author and Event Facilitator
The Dance of Attachment Styles
This interactive workshop explores the fundamentals of how attachment styles form, what they are, and the interplay between them. Based upon early age developmental attunement this workshop is a tour of the landscape of attachment from a “felt” understanding.
Partnered and individual somatic exercises bring the dance of attachment styles to life in a fun and supportive community environment. Whether you are new to attachment theory or deep in the work of mastering your own, this workshop is perfect for everyone.
The Secure Template
“Secure Attachment” is so often referenced as the idealized goal of attachment therapy. But what exactly is “secure attachment”? Even more importantly: how do we establish and become more resilient at “being secure” under pressure?
In this workshop we put specific attention on what is meant by “the Secure template” and how we can earn and deepen our own sense of resilience within the complex and at times intense challenge of relationships. Exercises feature partnered practices for staying resourced while in connection, solidifying our inner security, and finding our way back from activations of our own insecure attachment styles.
The Secure Template
In this workshop we put specific attention on what is meant by “the Secure template” and how we can earn and deepen our own sense of resilience within the complex and at times intense challenge of relationships. Exercises feature partnered practices for staying resourced while in connection, solidifying our inner security, and finding our way back from activations of our own insecure attachment styles.
Attachment Wounding and Repatterning
Attachment is a “cradle to grave” experience. We are both etched by our past experiences and simultaneously capable of redefining our capacity for attachment right now. The subjects of exploring the impact of attachment wounds and how to work with healing them evokes the tenderness of our childhood’s along with the positive message that all is well, and healthy love and connection are indeed our birthright.
This workshop features small group restorative exercises taking us back to our earliest formative experiences of connection.